Meet Queen Nefertiti with our Egypt-Specialist

07/12/2010 16:41

The Neue Museum, part of the World Cultural Heritage Berliner Museumsinsel in the late classicistic style is one of the most important museum buildings of the 19. century. Since its reopening in October 2009 it contains the Egyptian Museum with its papyrus collection and the famous iconic bust of the Egyptian queen Nefertiti , the Prehistory and Early History Museum with the treasure of Priamos and - last but not least - impressing parts of the antique collection. 

Enjoy these masterpieces of ancient times in an individual and with your special interests coordinated guidance by an Egypt specialist, a very new member of the qualified team of Schoenebeck-Kulturarrangements.


Tobias v. Schoenebeck

Reuterstraße 85


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